Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas Pageant 1st Rehearsal

Sunday November 18th
We are rehearsing for the 
Christmas pageant.
We only have three rehearsals,
We have to make the most of each one.
  1. Prepare ahead of time by downloading the booklet and sound tract to familiarize yourself with your part.
  2. Don't skip rehearsal.  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Confirmation: Creation

To download and print this lesson click here:  DOWNLOAD

Work through the confirmation Lesson below.  Do the best you can on your own.  If you need help, or if you get stuck send me an email, (, text or call me (610-401-5602).  When you're done, post your answers at the bottom.  When we meet next I will go over this and we'll do an exercise to have some fun with it.  


My Faith Story

Answer the BIG QUESTION: What can I really do to make a difference in caring for creation?

Open the Bible

The Genesis story takes two forms: first, the creation of the heavens and earth in a series of six days followed by a day of rest; and second, the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. These two stories contradict one another at times, and if Genesis were submitted for publication today as a brand new manuscript, it would probably go through much revision.

The first creation story (Genesis 1:1–2:4) is a methodical story beginning with the chaos of a dark, formless void that in six days becomes a flourishing, diverse earth with living creatures of all kinds. This creation account moves from confusion to order in a logical sequence by the command of the all-powerful God. 

The second creation story (Genesis 2:4–25) begins with the creation of a human from the dust of the ground. Here, too, God is the creator. But God is personified—planting a garden, breathing into the nostrils of the human being—which playfully allows for errors in creation. 

Despite their literary differences, both of these creation stories point to one thing: God is the creator, and we are part of God's good creation. Boundaries between creator and creation have been set; there is order in the world between God and humans, humans and animals, and in the interrelationships within humanity.

The creation stories of Genesis tell us who we are and where we came from while still acknowledging the deep mystery of God. Some things just can't be explained, even with a really good story. What we do know is that we were created in God's own image (1:27) and that "God saw everything that [God] had made, and indeed, it was very good" (1:31).

Read Genesis 1:1-2:25, preferably from your Bible, but you may also use the online version HERE.
What is your favorite verse from this reading?  Why is it your favorite?

Created is the translation of a Hebrew verb that was used in the Bible only when referring to God, not to people. Only God could create the world. Only God could speak and bring everything into being. Genesis doesn't give details as to how or when this was done, but it does declare that God is the creator of all. We stand in awe of this creator who loved us enough to make us the climax of the creation. 

Think about a time when you had no idea about how you looked. Maybe you were helping your grandmother sort through old photos, or you were raking leaves, or you were just acting goofy with your brother or sister. That's the image of God that you were made in—a reflection of goodness so involved in living and being connected that it makes you forget yourself and causes you to be your truest self. 
How do you reflect that image of God when you are with your friends?

Re-read Genesis 1:31
Why do you think this is a key verse in the creation story?

Compare the two creation stories in Genesis 1:1–2:4 and 2:4–25. 
Why do you think there are two similar, but different stories? 

The Bible is not a history book or a science book; it is a book of faith.  It tells us about God's relationship with humankind.  
What problems are caused when we think of the Bible as a book of science?  as history?

Open the Catechism

Open your Student Book to page 75: Five Most Common Images For God in the Bible.
Why do you think one God can have so many different images and names?

Think of a time when you felt particularly close to God or experienced God in nature. Think about how the power of God and nature came together for you.  Share a part of your own faith story.  Tell about reflecting God's image in everything you do and being a good steward of creation.

God loves to create. God started creating by bringing order to chaos, and God is still creating today. God's creating purposes today are accomplished through all kinds of people—farmers who raise food to feed us, carpenters who build our homes and churches, people who make clothes, educators who teach us skills, and many more people. 

Name some people you know who create things.

Open your Student Book to page 299: Read the first article of the Apostles' Creed.  
Create a list of all the things mentioned that God provides as the creator. 
What would you say is our response to this creative activity of God?


Multiple Choice Questions
1. The creation stories of Genesis tell us . . .
     a. who we are and where we came from. 
     b. more than the new food pyramid does.
     c. that God is the same as the creation.
     d. that creation was a one-time event that took seven days.

2. Human beings are given a special place in God's creation, which means . . .
     a. they have a heavy responsibility. 
     b. they can ruin things at their leisure.
     c. they are pangolins.
     d. they are free of any responsibility.

3. God brought order out of chaos in the creation, proving once and for all that . . .
     a. God can now order us around.
     b. it was tough getting the oceans to behave.
     c. chaos will never win over God. 
     d. creating the universe wasn't very hard to do.

4. We are made "in God's image." That means . . .
     a. God must really be good-looking.
     b. we were created to please God and do God's work in the world. 
     c. God could use a makeover.
     d. we have the same powers as God.

True or False Questions
5. God rested in the middle of the creation week.

6. Created in the Hebrew language is a verb reserved for God's action, not people's activity. 

7. The day of rest is called the Sabbath. 

8. God saw everything that was made, and was not satisfied, so God started over.  

Fill in the Blank
9.  God created light and darkness on this day__________________

10.  God created humans on this day_________________

11.  Dry land, trees and plants came to be on this day_______________

Genesis 1 or 2 or both?
12.  Woman was made from man's rib____________

13.  Light and darkness were created____________

14.  The Garden of Eden is found___________

15.  God names the rivers_______________

Creation Thoughts
16.  What is the theme of the first Creation story?
a.  God dominates all things
b.  God creates all things
c.  Big Bang
d.  God relates to human beings

17.  What is the theme of the second Creations story?
a.  God dominates all things
b.  God creates all things
c.  Big Bang
d.  God relates to human beings

18.  The Creation stories are __________ stories, not scientific.
a.  faith
b.  history
c.  philosophy
d.  children's

Fill in the blank
19.  The earth began as a __________________________________

20.  On the seventh day God created __________________________