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Work through the confirmation Lesson below. Do the best you can on your own. If you need help, or if you get stuck send me an email, (, text or call me (610-401-5602). When you're done, post your answers at the bottom. When we meet next I will go over this and we'll do an exercise to have some fun with it.
Moses and Pharaoh
Faith Story
Ask yourself this Big
Question: Why doesn't God fix all the injustice in the world?
God works through us
to combat injustice just as God worked through Moses to combat injustice. Think
about a time when you worked against injustice. Maybe you helped someone that
was being teased or something like that.
What did you do? What
was the experience like? How did you feel God's presence?
When we choose to
fight injustice, we are choosing to do God's work in the world.
the Bible
Read Exodus 2:23–24.
Make two lists on a piece of paper. Title one list "God" and the
other "Pharaoh." As you read today's story, list the differences
between these two leaders. Before you begin reading, write "deliverance"
under God's name and "domination" under Pharaoh's name. Throughout
your reading, continue to record the characteristics that were unique to each
of them.
• What did Moses and
Aaron ask Pharaoh on behalf of God?
• How did Pharaoh
• What did Pharaoh do
to make life even more difficult for the slaves?
• Why are God's people
getting discouraged?
• How does Moses
reassure them?
• Why was Pharaoh so
• How did God
eventually convince Pharaoh to let the people go?
• What would plagues
look like today?
• How is Passover
celebrated today?
• How did Jesus
celebrate the Passover with his disciples?
• How do the
Israelites escape?
• What do you think
the celebration was like on the other side of the sea?
• When have you seen
this kind of greatness in today's world?
• What do you think is
the most dramatic part of Exodus 5–15?
• What is the weirdest
part to you?
• Why do you think
this story has been and remains such a source of hope for oppressed people?
the Catechism
Think about these two
events in the Bible: "Noah and the Flood" and "The Red
Sea." Christians have long
connected the stories of Noah and the flood and the people going through the
Red Sea with baptism. Why do you think
that is?
Student Book page 305:
Turn to the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and Luther's explanation. This of how the
stories of Noah and the flood and the people going through the Red Sea relate
well to the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
1. Which plague sounds like the grossest to you? Explain.
2. How does God work
in the world today to overcome injustice?
3. Think about a place in the
world today where God is acting to free people from some kind of burden or
Find out what your
congregation is doing to work for peace and justice locally or internationally,
or find a justice organization in your city. Pick an organization that
interests you and find out how you can help. Make a pledge to your chosen organization,
explaining how you will help out in the next month, two months, and beyond.
Word Scramble
Read the clues provided to help you
unscramble the words.
1. AELEIIRST __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
2. RPHHAAO __ __ __
__ __ __ __
3. SSEOM __ __ __
__ __
4. GLUEASP __ __ __
__ __ __ __
5. NNIRUGB __ __ __
__ __ __ __
6. MIA __ __
7. NAORA __ __ __
__ __
8. EPELPO __ __ __
__ __ __
1. Another name for one of God’s
2. Ruler in Egypt.
3. God chose him to free the slaves.
4. Ten terrible signs of God’s power.
5. God appeared to Moses in this kind
of bush.
6. God’s name in Exodus 3:14.
7. Moses’ brother.
8. Let my ______ go!