Thursday, October 18, 2012

Confirmation for Week of October 21st

To download and print this lesson click here:  DOWNLOAD

Work through the confirmation Lesson below.  Do the best you can on your own.  If you need help, or if you get stuck send me an email, (, text or call me (610-401-5602).  When you're done, post your answers at the bottom.  When we meet next I will go over this and we'll do an exercise to have some fun with it.  

Getting Started With The Bible

My Faith Story
This lesson is an introduction to the Bible.  If you don't have one, tell me.  I'll recommend one for you.  There are some good online Bibles as well.  Click here for the one I use:  ESV
Answer the following question:
What's the Bible got to do with me?

If you have a Bible of your own tell a brief story about it: How did you get it? Did someone give it to you? What have you used it for? Do you keep papers tucked inside? Have you marked certain passages?

Open the Bible
• What is the Old Testament? How many books does it contain?
• What is the New Testament? How many books does it contain?
• What are the names of the four Gospels in order?

The word Gospel means Good News.  It's the good news about Jesus Christ.

Flip through the gospels:  Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
• What kinds of stories do these Gospels tell about Jesus?
• What passage headings did you see?
• What headings were the same or similar in both Gospels?
• What stories did you see in Matthew, or Luke that isn't in Mark?
• Why is it both good and potentially confusing to have multiple accounts of the same story in the Bible?

Next, find the book of Romans.  Figure out who wrote this letter and to whom was it written.
• Why would this letter be something we'd consider scripture?
• What other letters can you find in the New Testament? 

Look at the list of Old Testament books in the table of contents.
• What books do you recognize from readings in church?
• What books are new to you?

Choose one of the unfamiliar books and flip through it, looking at the passage headings. 
• Which book did you look at?
• What did you notice about the book?
• Was it written in prose, verse, or both?
• Was it in first or third person?
• Did it seem to contain stories, speeches, poems, or something else?

Open the Catechism
Student Books haven't been handed out at the time of this posting, so I will get them to you.  In the mean time, you can skip this part.
Student Book page 305:  Read Luther's explanation of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. 
• What are the essential elements of baptism?
• How is the word of God "with and alongside the water"?

1. How many books are in the Bible?
     a. 1
     b. 33
     c. 66 
     d. 99

2. Which has the greater number of books?
     a. The Old Testament 
     b. The New Testament
     c. They have the same number of books.

3. In a Bible passage listing like "Jeremiah 27:13," the number 27 refers to the . . .
     a. chapter. 
     b. verse.
     c. number of words.
     d. year it was written.

4. When you see Genesis 23:4, the number 4 refers to the . . .
     a. chapter.
     b. verse. 
     c. number of words.
     d. year it was written.

5. The Bible was first written in . . .
     a. English.
     b. Latin.
     c. Egyptian hieroglyphics.
     d. Hebrew and Greek.

6. A good reason for reading the Bible is to . . .
     a. make God love you more.
     b. enrich your faith.
     c. seek information.
     d. both b and c. 

7. Lutherans believe the Bible is . . .
     a. inerrant (without errors).
     b. written by God.
     c. the source and guide for our Christian living. 
     d. all of the above.

8. The main purpose of the Bible is . . .
     a. to give hope and encouragement. 
     b. to make us feel guilty.
     c. to give us a history lesson.
     d. none of the above.


  1. I got my bible at church, some anonymous person left it there for me. It is a Life Application Study Bible. All I've done is read up to Ruth 4:22.

  2. The Old Testament is the time before Jesus' birth, it has 39 books. The New Testament is the time during, and after Jesus' birth, it has 27 books.
    The names of the 4 Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

  3. The Gospels are stories of the good deeds of Jesus. The headings I saw were Jesus walks on Water, Jesus sends his Disciples, and stuff like that. Most of the Gospel's stories were similar. A story I did not see in Mark but did see in Luke and Matthew was Jesus' birth.

    1. The deeds of Jesus recorded in the gospels were indeed good. But, the gospels are more to do with the good NEWS of Jesus than the good deeds.

  4. This letter/Scripture was written by the Disciple Paul to the Romans. We call it Scripture because Paul is one of the original 12 Disciples. Some other letters I see are Ephesians, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Kings, and Hebrews.

    1. Paul is known as an apostle, but he was actually never a disciple. Disciples were those who dollowed Jesus during his ministry prior to death and resurrection. Apostles are those who witnessed the resurrection and went on to share this good news with others.

  5. I recognize all the ones in the first half of the Old Testament. I am new to only the 4 books at the end.

  6. I looked at the book of Malachi. I noticed it is written by the person who's name is the Title of this book. I think it was written in verse, and in 1st person. It seems to contain speeches.

  7. Quiz answers:

    1. Very good. There is one incorrect answer. Can you figure out which one?

  8. well for one the bible is the Christian Holy book (although that doesn't mean it's completely literal) And it helps you understand God.

    I got my bible at church, because some anonymous person left it there for me. It is a Life Application Study Bible. I didn't mark any passages.

  9. The Gospels are stories of the good deeds of Jesus. The headings I saw were Jesus walks on Water, Jesus sends his Disciples, and other stuff. Most of the Gospel's stories were similar. A story I did not see in Mark but did see in Luke and Matthew was Jesus' birth. It is good but also confusing because you get multiple points of view and potentially mixed-up stories

    1. The deeds of Jesus recorded in the gospels were indeed good. But, the gospels are more to do with the good NEWS of Jesus than the good deeds.

  10. This letter/Scripture was written by the Disciple Paul to the Romans. We call it a scripture because it is about the word of God. Some other letters are Ephesians, 1 and 2, Corinthians, Kings, and, Hebrews.

    1. Paul is known as an apostle, but he was actually never a disciple. Disciples were those who dollowed Jesus during his ministry prior to death and resurrection. Apostles are those who witnessed the resurrection and went on to share this good news with others.

  11. The Old Testament is the time before Jesus's birth, and it has 39 books. The New Testament is the time during and after Jesus' birth, and it has 27 books.
    The names of the 4 Gospels in order are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

  12. I recognize all the ones in the first half of the Old Testament but can't always remember the names.

  13. Quiz answers:

  14. I wouldn't believe what some people said if I didn't read it.
    A anonymous person left me a bible at church. I use it for reading when I am scared and at Camp Luther. I don't keep papers there and neither do I mark passages.
    The Old Testament is how things were back then before Jesus was born.
    There are 39 books in the Old Testament
    The New Testament is about the church and the start of Christianity
    There are 27 books in the New Testament
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four Gospels
    The Gospels tell of Jesus birth, his ministry, and his death and resurrection.
    The headings are about important events of his life and ministry
    Jesus can help sinners isn't in Mark
    They are different versions and when you don't understand one version of the story you can flip to another writer.
    Paul wrote Romans to other Jews.
    It talks about the Christian Faith and God
    The letters that John wrote, Timothy's letters, Peter's and Thessalonians.
    Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Jonah we have read in church
    New Books-Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges, Kings, Samuel, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai,Malachi
    I looked at Ezekiel. He looks like he is a funeral singer, It is written in prose and verse and in 3rd person. It contains songs and speeches.

    For Baptism, we need the Word of God and faith.
    We believe that the Baptism water is holy and that belief makes us baptized.
    2. a
    3. a
    4. b
    5 d
    6 d
    7 d
    8 a

  15. Patrick, great job.
    The is one multiple choice question wrong. Can you find it?

    Im nor so sure what you mean where you say Jesus helps sinners isn't in Mark. Was that a specific story you found?

    You wrote that Paul wrote Romans to other Jews. Paul is known as the apostle to the Gentiles. Did you read that Paul wrote to the Jews somewhere in the Bible?

    On your answer to the Baptism question, actually we do not believe the water is holy. We believe that the Word of God in with and alongside the water coupled with faith makes a Baptsm.

  16. the water, the word of God, and faith

    because the water has the holy spirit?

  17. Answers to "Open the Catechism":
    The water, the Word of God, and Faith.
    Because the water has become part of God's Word, and God himself.
